Monday, September 19, 2005

Response to Gas Prices

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As a poor college student booming gas prices are a down right pain in the ass. So what does one poor student do? Or anybody for that matter? Well, there are many routs, but I decided to acquire a bike. I found one that didn't belong to anybody in the basement of the house I am living in. I got it fixed up, and now I am gas free. Sure it cost money to fix it, but in my mind I'm not only getting off my fat ass, and getting some exercise, but I am feeling good about it.

In my opinion the gas price boom is, in large part, due to panic. And I chose not to support it. I think when gas companies can price their gas in relation to the actual supply and demand of the country and stop profiteering than I will decide to support them, but until then. I just have to make sure I leave for class a few minutes earlier than I would normaly.
What do you think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:34 PM  
Blogger ryanne said...

when we were in amsterdam, everyone rides bikes. it's the most amazing thing. bikes have the right of way over everyone. that's how this country needs to be man. i'm making a video riding a bike is way more fun than driving a car.

4:33 AM  
Blogger Ashley Hodson said...

riding bikes is fun, best vid yet

4:24 PM  
Blogger Wastedpapiers said...

Nice film. Intriqued how you got some of them shots above your head etc. Have a you a little midget cameraperson strapped to a pole or something?!

12:52 PM  
Blogger J. k. N. said...

His name is Miles

3:43 PM  
Blogger Marta Fodor said...

looks fun! but PLEASE wear a helmet!!!!!!

3:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

... and think that here in italy gas prices are x2, the cost is 1.5 per liter that mean approx 5.7 per gallon

4:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear people finding alternatives for transportation however I run a small house cleaning business and gas prices are eating it alive. Everything is going up in price because of it we are getting ready to experience the worst inflation in american history and the worst poverty and seperation of classes we have ever experienced. The Government does not care about the poor working class. They keep letting the fuel companies ravish our land steal from our children. Make every one sick so we can pay more money to the health care system. It is incredible to me how we just keep consuming putting ourselves in deaper dept therefore inslaving ourselves to the government,Fuel companies and credit card companies. We are like ravenous mice. Given a labrinth to go thrue to get that cheese. The cheese is the so called American dream. Only a select few will be lucky enough to acheive it. The ones who do are selfish self centered self seeking and ruthlessly judgemental. They do not care for peaple less fortunate as long as they get there's

11:24 AM  
Blogger PDXK.TV said...

I love the movie and music. I just posted it to my blog CrankMyChain! Cycle TV.

Thank you for posting this.

1:12 PM  

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