Response to Gas Prices
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As a poor college student booming gas prices are a down right pain in the ass. So what does one poor student do? Or anybody for that matter? Well, there are many routs, but I decided to acquire a bike. I found one that didn't belong to anybody in the basement of the house I am living in. I got it fixed up, and now I am gas free. Sure it cost money to fix it, but in my mind I'm not only getting off my fat ass, and getting some exercise, but I am feeling good about it.
In my opinion the gas price boom is, in large part, due to panic. And I chose not to support it. I think when gas companies can price their gas in relation to the actual supply and demand of the country and stop profiteering than I will decide to support them, but until then. I just have to make sure I leave for class a few minutes earlier than I would normaly.
What do you think?